Thursday, October 9, 2008

My slide show" height="320" width="426" style="width:426px;height:320px">" />

Well I did it, with Destenee's help, here is our home. I forgot to take a picture of the spare bedroom, so I will add it to something next time I post.
Also Please notice how clean my desk is, and how messy Davids is, he says it's because that is where all the work is done." I beg to differ, that is where he plays suduko instead of cleaning his desk!

We are remodeling the bathrooms, I will have to include before and after pictures when we are done. Today we moved the wiring for the light fixtures. Since I am here typing this , you know we did not get electrocuted.

Bye for now, Love Grammy


Unknown said...

It works if you press 'view all images'... is that how it's supposed to work? hmmmmmmmmmmm

Jamie said...

Love the house! Wish we could have a house warming party!